diary gluten free notebook

Diary of a Gluten Free Crusader

So my problem is I have expectations. My expectation is that my dollar as a coeliac carries the same worth as a non gluten free diner. So when it becomes apparent that in fact it doesn’t…that my dining experience seems irrelevant to the particular establishment I am dining in, I feel obligated to express my […]

Being The Voice For Change

Gluten Free High Teas Now Done Well! A little while ago I discovered that my voice could have impact. That we actually can encourage the food industry to look after us better if we deliver the message respectfully and appeal to their bottom line. So this is my story of how I did just that…with […]

Top 10 Gluten Free Pet Peeves

Look, I love that our world is becoming more and more gluten friendly and that options to experience quality gluten free dining are getting broader and broader. Having been a diagnosed coeliac for 15 years I have witnessed over that time wonderful progress and thankfully we have moved on from orange almond cake or friands […]

What is My Story?

Hi, Welcome to my BLOG! I am excited to share my journey with you and to hopefully help you to find many many joy-filled gluten free moments & experiences! So, what is my story? Well, it started 17 years ago when a move to a tropical climate, with its incumbent humidity, caused my life-long fatigue […]